
I study chemistry at UC Berkeley.
I entered as a chemical engineer, but then realized the modelling of processes and movement of fluid were not for my taste. I interned at a materials science company in Japan, studying material characterization, and found my interest in device fabrication. But as many things are in life, a series of events brought me to the land of computational and theoretical chemistry, where I found my true enjoyment of research. I worked in Kristin Persson’s group on a project on simulating diffraction patterns with application of statistical models (or machine learning if you want to be trendy). There I contributed to the source code of the Materials Project, putting physics to code and learning the struggle of approval of pull requests. Currently, I work under the Martin Head-Gordon group on the study of density functionals, specifically its performance on describing electron density shapes.
I am teaching introductory quantum mechanics (CHEM 120A) for the fall semester, and you can find my notes here (under categories). There are also notes about other things that are not yet categorizable. And maybe some pictures I take here and there.
Fun fact: I participated in Pokemon Online World Cup for team China in 2016 and still am semi active in participating tournaments.